Shambala Holistic Centre

  • Date: April 15, 2022
  • Time to read: 1 min.

Shambala Holistic Centre

Sukhada Smith-Repass founded ‘Ray Of Light’ in 2006 and is located at the Shambala Holistic Centre in County Fermanagh.

Holistic therapy is a non-invasive and natural treatment, which can work to restore a natural balance to the body. Sukhada has been practicing holistic therapies since 1999 and by taking a holistic approach to her work with Ray of Light, Sukhada is able to treat the person rather than the symptoms.

A passionate teacher of Reiki and natural holistic therapies, Sukhada is always updating her skills and offers a wide range of therapies to help you release stress, relax, unwind and re-energise.

The Shambala Holistic Center has a range of different ongoing events over the course of the year, which include Sound bath, Restorative Reiki yoga, and many more. You can find all the details by following their Facebook Page and Instagram Page. You can also visit their website.

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